Untold Lowell Stories: Black History

Over the course of February, 2021, former, long-time Lowell Historical Society board member and archivist, Martha Mayo published a series of Untold Lowell Stories on… Read More

The Spanish Flu In Lowell

In 2018, Genealogist Walter Hickey did a presentation on the Spanish Flu epidemic in Lowell nearly 100 years after it happened. Because of the recent… Read More

Who is Charles L Willoughby?

Eileen did a presentation on Lowell-raised Charles L. Willoughby. Check it out! Please click on this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEPHzitYjvY The… Read More

Santon’s “Little Saints”

The following is an essay from former, long-time Lowell Historical Society board member and archivist, Martha Mayo. Martha was also a Librarian at the Center… Read More

2020 Annual Meeting

On May 17 2020, our Vice President Kim Zunino did our annual presentation (via Zoom!) on researching your home. If you enjoyed the presentation, please… Read More

Among the Artifacts: The Wooden Stake

As Lowell Historical Society curator Ryan Owen continues to guide us through the Society’s collection, making things orderly, noting his finds and preparing for new donations, he offers… Read More

Lowell Sun Interviews Our LHS Curator

Don’t miss the interview in today’s Lowell Sun! Katie Lannan writes about the Lowell Historical  Society’s newly appointed curator Ryan Owen and his charge and… Read More

A Lowell Cracker Remembered

The array of crackers available to today’s consumers from Market Basket to Trader Joe’s and beyond is stunning. I’m a cracker lover who enjoys eating… Read More

More About the Ames Castle

Lowell Historical Society board member and Assistant Administrator Kim Zunino of the Lowell Historic Board gives us more information about the history and fate of… Read More

Lowell in the early 1980s

Before there was Instagram, there were actual film cameras and photos left to age for decades. As Lowell National Historical Park looks at its 35th… Read More

Lowell Doughboys Statue and Tribute

This is a cross-post from Lowell Historical Society Board member Eileen Loucraft’s blog  LowellDoughboys. LOWELL DOUGHBOY STATUE -TRIBUTE OF A GREATFUL NEIGHBORHOOD The Lowell… Read More

From Lowell Doughboys: John Jacobs Rogers

This is a cross-post from “Lowell Doughboys” – the blog of Lowell Historical Society board member Eileen Loucraft. On this blog Eileen posts about World War One and the Greater… Read More

Old English Cemetery Part 2

For those who were unable to attend the recent tour of the Old English Cemetery down on Gorham Street, tour guide and Lowell Historical Society… Read More