This is a cross-post from “Lowell Doughboys” – the blog of Lowell Historical Society board member Eileen Loucraft. On this blog Eileen posts about World War One and the Greater Lowell area.
Monday, January 23, 2012
John Jacob Rogers
born August 18, 1881 Lowell, MA
died March 28, 1925 Washington, DC

John Jacob Rogers was born in Lowell, Massachusetts to Jacob and Mary Howard (Carney) Rogers. He served for twelve years as the Congressman for the 5th district. He died at only 44 years of age from complications of appendicitis.Representative Rogers was a graduate of Lowell High School earning the Carney Medal in 1899. He was the only grandchild of Carney to earn that honor. He went on to Harvard University and earned his law degree in 1907. He was a Lieutenant in the Company K of the Mass 6th. He volunteered as a private during World War 1 when he was a Congressman. While in France in October 1917, the ocean liner he was on with Mrs. Rogers was attacked by a U-boat. Shots were fired by the liner and the submarine was unable to fire a torpedo.
His wife continued his work as a champion for veterans when she won a special election for his seat after his untimely death. She continued to represent the district until her death in 1960. They did not have any children. They are buried in the Rogers family plot at Lowell Cemetery.